Photoshop research
Search the internet and answer the following, and then copy your answers into your research workbook.
What should your PPI be for printed media? Why?
300 PPI is a good standard, if you make it any lower, it would cause the image to look pixilated and blocky.
What should your PPI be for the web or emailing? Why?
72 PPI, because that’s as high as it goes on a computer.
What do RGB, CMYK and Grayscale refer to?
The RGB stands for the RED GREEN BLUE in a photo.
CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow and key, or black.
Grayscale is like all the colour tones in-between white and black. I.e. grays.
How can you dodge and burn in Photoshop?
To you use the dodge tool, click on the dodge button, if you want to use the burn tool right click on the dodge button or using a mask on a brightness or exposure adjustment layer.
5 Name the ways you can make selections in Photoshop?
Using the rectangular marquee tool, the elliptical marquee tool, single column marquee, single row marquee, lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool, magnetic lasso tool, quick selection tool and the magic wand tool.
6 How can you crop images in Photoshop? Write the procedure.
To crop an image, click on the crop button and select the area in which you would like to crop.
7 How can you make perspective changes in Photoshop? Write the procedure.
1. Click the crop tool for the photo that contains a distorted rectangular object.
2. Click clear in the options bar to remove any previous settings.
3. Click and drag a cropping marquee in the photo. For your note, the selected area is light while the dimmed one is the area that you want to crop away.
4. Deselect shield to remove the dimming effect.
5. Click every corner anchor in the cropping marquee and align it with a corner on the normal rectangular object. For your note, you can press click Ctrl + spacebar to zoom in with the crop marquee showing and click the photo. Then press Alt + spacebar to zoom out.
6. Click and drag out every centre anchor points to fit the edges of the entire photo.
7. If you are satisfied with the crop, you can simply click the commit button in the options bar to commit the crop.
8. Photoshop already manipulated the photo and changed its perspective.
How should you sharpen your images in Photoshop?
Use the sharpen tool which comes under the blur tool category.
What are some of the ways you can make tone, colour and contrast adjustments?
By selecting the tabs below the layer palette and adjusting the tone colour and contrast to the users liking
10) What does RAW, JPEG and TIFF stand for in file management?
RAW – Research and Analysis Wing
JPEG – Joint photographic experts group
TIFF – Tagged Image File Format